Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Whatcha Working on Wednesday

Well there is so much I would like to be working on but with the crazy weather - nothing. We are getting a snow storm. I have some kids home with cancelled school ,my kids had school but got out 2 hours early .
I would like to get started on my braided rug. I am hoping with church cancelled I will get started on it. I have many pieces cut out and now I have to start sewing them together so they can be braided. I did a trial run and made braided chair pads. I did six of these so I think I can do a rug it will just require more time. Anyway I hope all of you have a great day and if you are getting snow stay safe and warm:) Brionne

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My Brother

I thought today since it is cold and freezing rain I would show you a picture of my brother. He is currently a United States Marine. This past summer he went to boot camp. I can say I have never been more proud of him. He graduated from boot camp in August and now is finishing his training this month January 12. There is 8 years between the 2 of us so he is definitley my "little" brother. I will never forget the day I got married. He was 10 years old . In the middle of the ceremony I hear this crying coming from the area if the groomsmen (that is so not spelled right). It is little Travey. He was so cute but it also broke my heart. Now to this day he denies it, but it is on video. Anyway all through high school he talked of becoming a Marine. But you know how things go when you are dating someone and instead he went to college to play football and be closer to her. They eventually parted ways and he decided that his desire to be a Marine still strongly exsisted. In February he will leave and be stationed in Japan for 2 years. For our family this will seem like an eternity. We are very close and him being gone to boot camp for 13 weeks was crazy. The only contact we were able to have is through good old snail mail. But we got through it and in August were able to go to Parris Island and watch graduation. In family I am the oldest of 4, 3 girls and Travis. All of us were able to travel down including my parents and husband and kids. It was a very interesting trip but after 13 weeks we were so excited to see him. He had lost 30 and he only weigh 160 when he left. Well we are on to our next adventure with stories of Japan. I bet we keep the email and web camera very busy. My youngest sister is due with her 3 child after he leaves so this is kinda of sad but with the technology of today he will still be able to see the baby . Anyway just thought I would show you a picture of one of THE FEW, THE PROUD ,OUR UNITED STATES MARINE. This is Travis with my parents. Now keep in mind his graduation was during tropical storm Faye. The winds were crazy but the rain held off so we could enjoy family day and graduation.
Well keep him in your prayer and thanks for stopping by.
( Sorry for the crazy picture layout I am still trying to figure all of this out)

Friday, January 9, 2009

It's Friday

Have you ever had one of those months? Well my story begins about 2 summers ago. I have been babysitting since my oldest was 9 months. It seemed to be an effective way to be able to help pay the bills and stay at home. Well 11 years later I felt like this part of lifes journey was drawing to an end. I wanted to go to work. Crazy thought I know,but staying at home I felt isolated with only preschoolers to talk to. So I talk to a friend of mine and she had told me one of the girls in her office would be leaving in the next year or so. Perfect she is a court clerk, I could do that. Well I waited and waited for the job. In the last 2 years many things have changed. The job was finally seemed to be available or so I thought. With lots of prayer I pleaded with God "please allow me to go to work, I don't know if my sanity can take much more." Now don't get me wrong I love my babysitting familys, they are very good to me, but sometimes don't you feel like there should be more? Well like I said lots of things have happened. My husband's company, like so many is in jeopardy of closing, our county is struggling with their budget, and that feeling of wanting to go to work is gone. Sometimes do you ever wish God would just give you a great big billboard- THIS IS WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO-. This is where I am right now. If I stay at home will people keep calling for a sitter when the others don't need me anymore? Will there be an opening somewhere else and I will just know it is time? These are my struggles right now. I know in my heart the Lord will always provide and each day he is in control but how will I know. I am very thankful for all that I am blessed with. We have been through great challenges in our marriage and things have always been just fine in the end. I was told last weekend "we sometimes have to be in the valley so that we have no choice but to look up." I'm sorry for rambling, but sometimes things seem so hard. I guess as they say " all you can do is pray."

On a more positive note my hope this weekend is to finish my kids bathroom. It needs a 2nd coat of paint and a new curtain rod and will be finish. So on Monday maybe I can post pictures.

Thanks for listening a have a great weekend:)


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Finished Product

Well I have to admit I had to sew up the pillow today, but the stitchery part I finished yesterday. What do you think?

Oh and please excuse the little head try to get into the picture. She can't help herself. Here is a picture of it in the rocker.

Today I have 2 home from school my oldest and youngest. Both are complaining of a sore throat. It seems as though strep throat has been running through the schools lately. My middle daughter had it during the week of Christmas, so no surprise the other 2 have it. With our constant changes on the weather it is a wonder anyone is ever healthy.

I am in the process of making a handmade braided rug for our living room. This stems from the fact that I am very frugal with money for decor and I can't see me spending $800 for a rug. So I am on a mission to do it myself. Now I am sure that it will take a while and smaller projects I hope to get done also before spring arrives and it is time to work outside again.

Well I guess that is all my ramblings for now and Thank God it is almost Friday.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Watcha Working on Wednesday

Today I am working on a stitchery that I plan to make into a pillow for my rocking chair given to me by my grandma. Here it is. It is gong to say "Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me." I plan to put the red stars in all 4 corners. My hope is to be able to show you it finish tomorrow, if the children I babysit will take their naps today. With my 3 at school I should have a good 2 hours.
It has started to snow and we are only suppose to get a couple of inches. We will see, I can't remember the last time the weather man was right. Well I should probably get off the computer if I plan to get things finished. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you all have a great day:)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Our Work In Progress

Well the kids were home from school today due to ice so I haven't had much time to post. I did however finally figure out this picture thing I think. Please bare with me if it doesn't work yet. We have lived here 2 yrs. It is our work in progress because it is definitely a fixer upper. We bought it for the location. It is just 5 minutes out of town and the creek is about 20 feet from the front door. We have about 6 acres and a huge hill perfect for sledding when there is snow in the winter. This is the front of the house. It has 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths. It looks very small from the outside but we seem to have plenty of space. We did buy a pool this past summer and plan to put a deck around it in the next year or so. I love to decorate with prims. I am always on the look out for a good deal or something cheap I can repurpose or fix up. I like to make a lot of my own things and have been very inspired by many of you in blogland. Here is a few pictures of the inside please keep in mind I am not a professional when it comes to pictures.

I made these valances and my husband made the shutters out of cabinet doors. I just recovered this wing chair I bought from a thrift store and the throw and small pillow that says Prayer I also did. The picture in the back on the wall I also stitched myself. As I said before I love to make things myself. With 3 kids money has to go a long way and decor is not always affordable. Here are a few more pics for tonight and then maybe tomorrow I can show you some of my creations up close. Hope everyone has a great evening Brionne

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year....New Ideas

This year after reading so many wonderful blogs I decided to take a chance and start my own. I am very new to this so it will take me sometime to get everything on here. To tell you a little about me , I love primitive decorating and I love looking for a bargain. I have 2 daughters 13 and 11 and a son 9. I have been married for 13 years to my high school sweetheart. I am wanting to post pictures of our home. I love to decorate and enjoy feedback and suggestions. I have seen some wonderful homes on webshots and the I would love my home to just come close to looking like the same. Well I guess I will continue trying to figure this out and then give you something better to read and see.

And yes that is the creek right out my front door.
