Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Whatcha Working on Wednesday

Well there is so much I would like to be working on but with the crazy weather - nothing. We are getting a snow storm. I have some kids home with cancelled school ,my kids had school but got out 2 hours early .
I would like to get started on my braided rug. I am hoping with church cancelled I will get started on it. I have many pieces cut out and now I have to start sewing them together so they can be braided. I did a trial run and made braided chair pads. I did six of these so I think I can do a rug it will just require more time. Anyway I hope all of you have a great day and if you are getting snow stay safe and warm:) Brionne


  1. Those turned out so nice!

    Yes, my kids came home from school early too, It's snowing alot here and the dogs are loving it!


  2. The chair pads are great--love the colors. My mom used to make braided rugs--I am lucky to still have a couple she made for me. They last forever!

  3. Love the chair pad! I would love to know how to do that. Another thing to ad to my things to learn list. Have a great day!

  4. That is something I have wanted to do! I look at the kits that are supposed to make it easier in Herrschners catalog all of the time but haven't done it yet!

    Good luck with that rug! Can't wait to see it!

