Friday, January 9, 2009

It's Friday

Have you ever had one of those months? Well my story begins about 2 summers ago. I have been babysitting since my oldest was 9 months. It seemed to be an effective way to be able to help pay the bills and stay at home. Well 11 years later I felt like this part of lifes journey was drawing to an end. I wanted to go to work. Crazy thought I know,but staying at home I felt isolated with only preschoolers to talk to. So I talk to a friend of mine and she had told me one of the girls in her office would be leaving in the next year or so. Perfect she is a court clerk, I could do that. Well I waited and waited for the job. In the last 2 years many things have changed. The job was finally seemed to be available or so I thought. With lots of prayer I pleaded with God "please allow me to go to work, I don't know if my sanity can take much more." Now don't get me wrong I love my babysitting familys, they are very good to me, but sometimes don't you feel like there should be more? Well like I said lots of things have happened. My husband's company, like so many is in jeopardy of closing, our county is struggling with their budget, and that feeling of wanting to go to work is gone. Sometimes do you ever wish God would just give you a great big billboard- THIS IS WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO-. This is where I am right now. If I stay at home will people keep calling for a sitter when the others don't need me anymore? Will there be an opening somewhere else and I will just know it is time? These are my struggles right now. I know in my heart the Lord will always provide and each day he is in control but how will I know. I am very thankful for all that I am blessed with. We have been through great challenges in our marriage and things have always been just fine in the end. I was told last weekend "we sometimes have to be in the valley so that we have no choice but to look up." I'm sorry for rambling, but sometimes things seem so hard. I guess as they say " all you can do is pray."

On a more positive note my hope this weekend is to finish my kids bathroom. It needs a 2nd coat of paint and a new curtain rod and will be finish. So on Monday maybe I can post pictures.

Thanks for listening a have a great weekend:)


1 comment:

  1. It is kind of hard to be in the spot you are in. An uncertain spot, waiting to figure out what move you should be making next. Wait and listen is probably the word of the day for you. Well, two words. Hope you had a good weekend. I am behind on bloghopping and trying to catch up.
